Level 1
Website Service

Website Hosting & Management

Worry-Free Cloud Hosting

Regular Software
Updates & Maintenace

Backup & Site Restore

Desktop, Tablet & Mobile Display Rendering

Basic SEO

Real Time Traffic Stats

Make Your Own Updates
Or We Can Do It for You

Reliable & Personal
Local Support

SSL Security Certificate

30 minutes Design
Content & Image Updates 

Level 2
Starter Program

Level 1 Plus 
Local Marketing

Google Business Profile Set Up & Page Optimization

Local Directory Submissions

Reputation Marketing

Website Photo Gallery

Live Review Feed(s)

Live Social Feed(s)

60 minutes Design
Content & Image Updates


Level 3
Growth Marketing

Level 1 & 2 Plus 
Advanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Digital Content
Marketing Strategy

Keyword Research

Competitor Analysis

Weekly Blog Posts

Premium Website
On-Page Optimization

High-Quality Backlinks

Performance Review
with Clear Reporting

Starting at $495 a month

Level 4
Aggressive Growth

Level 1, 2,& 3 Plus 
Paid Digital Ads
Search & Display

Campaign(s) Set Up
& Ongoing Management

Dedicated Strategic Marketing Consultant & Project Manager

Geo-Targeted Pay Per Click Ads Designed to Generate Quality Traffic and Leads to Your Website & Make The Phone Ring.

Performance Optimization

Advanced Tracking & Detailed Reporting.

Starting at $995 a month